


Best quotes for life.. 

Always experience the world.
Always experience the world.

Interesting thoughts.. 

In this you will learn most inspirational thoughts .. Read fast....

📍If you get tired, 

learn to rest

not to quit. 

📍we are born in 1 day. 

we die in 1 day. 

we can change in one 1 day. 

we can fall in love in 1 day. 

Anything can happen in just 1 day. 

📍If you feel like

you're loosing everything, 

remember that trees lose

their leaves every year and

they still stand tall and wait

for better days to come. 

📍you have to fight through

some bad days. 

To earn the best

days of your life. 

📍If doesn't challenge you, 

It won't change you. 

📍Become the hardest

working person you


📍If opportunity doesn't

Knock, build a door. 

📍Start where you are. 

Use what you have. 

Do what you can. 

📍Don't talk, act. 

Don't say, show. 

Don't promise, prove. 

📍In order to become the 1%.

you have to do what the other

99% won't do. 

📍wake up with determination. 

Go to the bed with satisfaction. 

📍Don't close the book

when bad things happen

in your life, just turn the

page and begin a new 


📍To the world you may be 

one person, but to one person

you may be the world.

📍The moment you start

valuing yourself, 

the world will start valuing you. 

📍As long as you remain unknown

to yourself, your presence will

be unknown to the world. 

📍Don't get upset with

people and situations, 

both are powerless

without your reaction. 

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