


Most powerful thoughts.. 

You will motivate by reading this thoughts... 

Most inspirational thoughts and success of secrets.. 

📍 Two things define you... 

Your patience when you have nothing

and your attitude when you have everything. 

📍Never cry for that person

who doesn't know the value

of your tears. 

📍Success and excuses

do not walk together. 

If you want excuses

forget about success. 

If you want success

do not give excuses. 

📍 I will win not immediately

but definitely. 

📍life is like a camera

focus on what is


📍F. E. A. R

1) Forget Everything And Run. 

2) Face Everything And Rise. 

The choice is yours. 


Star can't shine without darkness. 

📍Talk about your

blessings more

than you talk

about your problems. 

📍The greatest gift you

can give someone is

your time. Because

when you give your

time you are giving

a portion of your

life that you will


📍your life does not

get better by chance, 

it gets better by change. 

Always stay strong with your mind..
Always stay strong with your mind..
Be the best version of your life.
Be the best version of your life.
Vision pulls you.
Vision pulls you.
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